Postings on Greenbriar Picture Shows
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The Number One DVD reviewer in the business. Glenn Erickson has a rich archive at his site, filled with incisive essays on over 5,500 movies. I refer to it after each disc I watch.
DVD Beaver
Outstanding review site, with frame grabs and worldwide DVD news and announcements.
The Great Baz
Any site dedicated to Basil Rathbone is catnip in these parts. "The Great Baz" is brand new, and off to a dynamic start with much info and insight into the life and career of a great actor.
100 Years Of Hollywood and The Stars
Silent era historian, and author of many fine books and articles on the period William M. Drew has a website dedicated to celebrating a century of American film and star making.
The Silent Comedy Mafia
Here is home to the leading experts on silent clowns we love, a daily graduate program chock-filled with information not to be found elsewhere.
Vitaphone Varieties
Jeff Cohen's staggering appraisal of that fascinating transition period between silents and talkies. Fine research and writings here.
In The Balcony
On top of vintage movie news --- announcements, reviews --- plus a discussion group.
E -
Bruce Hershenson's incredible movie poster site is the first and last place you need to look for the rarest and most collectable memorabilia. I've known Bruce for years, and he's the best poster dealer around.
Home Theater Forum
My favorite forum/discussion group for all things digital and DVD.
Mike Cline's Then Playing
The first site to detail exhibition history in its entirety for a single US small town. A resource welcome and long needed. This is history worth treasuring!
My favorite news site for Blu-Ray. All the latest announcements and sales info is here.
Self-Styled Siren
Here's a movie site I always enjoy visiting. Siren's got a way with words, and an appreciation for all things classic Hollywood. Always a good read.
Trailers From Hell
Vintage trailers with insightful commentary from Joe Dante and an expert panel of enthusiasts and historians. An always enjoyable site.
Cinema Retro
Fantastic updates on happenings in sixties-seventies film culture from the people who give us "Cinema Retro", one of my favorite magazines. This site is brimming with wonderful stuff.
007 Magazine
On-line James Bond tribute and magazine is the Biggest and Best of Bond and Beyond.
The mission statement reads thus: "Cinebeats chronicles one woman's love affair with 1960s & 1970s cinema", and I might add, she does it with considerable wit and skill. A terrific site.
The Sheila Variations
Engaging thoughts on film, literature, music.
Classic Montgomery
It's a place dedicated to that fine classic era actor, Robert Montgomery, but many guest stars take part as well. Handsome site and a pleasure to visit.
Wonderful forum and discussion group on the subject of classic film --- silents, early talkies, preservation, collecting --- it's all there. I could live at this address.
Carole & Co.
The best site I've seen dedicated to a single personality. Vincent Paterno's stories and images about Carole Lombard are second to none. Every visit here is a treat.
3-D Film Archive
Bob Furmanek is the leading authority on stereo filmmaking history, and here is his site. You'll not find a better resource for this topic anywhere.
Lost & Rare
Ron Hall of Festival Films is moderator of this handsome site which offers rare movies and TV programs on DVD from Festival's extensive archive. There's stuff here you'll never find anyplace else.
Jim Lane's Cinedrome
My good friend Jim Lane has a first-rate blog all about what Greenbriar likes most in vintage movies. He's knows his stuff and expresses it nicely. A handsome site you'll enjoy a lot!
Laura's Miscellaneous Musings
Laura covers classics from every angle, with links, reviews, observations, about films we love. Always a great place to stop in, which I do, and you should ... frequently!
The Arliss Archives
Robert Fells wrote a fine book about George Arliss. He also mans this site devoted to that great actor, much of which expands upon research done for the book. A lot of valuable information here.
Basil Rathbone: Master Of Stage and Screen
Marcia Jessen's tribute to the great Basil Rathbone is hands-down one of the best star sites I've ever seen.
The American WideScreen Museum
You may faint dead away when you see Martin Hart's gallery of widescreen treasures. Be prepared to stay awhile!
70mm news and history. Fascinating, useful reference.
Morbid subject matter, but their research is considerable, and each entry is fascinating.
The Serial Squadron
A site devoted to chapter-plays, many of which they offer on DVD and Blu-Ray. A useful stop if you are interested in this subject.
Cartoon Research
Jerry Beck's cartoon site, so you know it's the best. A real treasure trove for animation fans.
The Astounding B-Monster
"Astounding" is an understatement. This is more like "staggering". Just go there and see for yourself.
E-Gor's Chamber Of Horror TV Hosts
My favorite horror host site. This has a directory of virtually every one, with great profiles to go with them.
Classic Horror Film Board
The best discussion forum around for classic horror and sci-fi. Many well-informed participants here.
The Laurel and Hardy Magazine
More fascinating L&H info than you'll ever see in one place.
Classic Images
Tons of good articles in the archives --- use their search engine and enjoy!
This is a British Film Institute site, and there's oceans of great essays and articles to wade through. I found some great stuff here.
Cinema Treasures
Just out-of-this-world and in-depth tribute to the great movie theatres.
Dr.Macro's High-Quality Movie Scans
Many remarkable images, high-res with quality unattainable elsewhere.
Heritage Auctions
The busiest movie poster auction house going. Beautiful images here.